Sunday, August 9, 2015

5 Things You Learn in a Musical Family

  My family is incredibly musical.
  If you had asked me when I was younger to share something about myself, I probably would have said something like, 'My grandma wrote a song for me when I was born,' or 'My daddy is a musician.' Ever since I was born, music has been what brought my family together, what made me happy and what made me feel things more deeply than I had before.
  Recently, I was thinking about all of this, and I realized that you really learn a lot as the daughter of a long line of musicians. I'm really fortunate to have been born into such a musical family, and I'm impressed all over again every single day by my family. So, I thought it would be cool to share five things that I've learned from being in my unique family. 
  1.) You Don't Have to Love a Certain Song or Artist Just Because Everyone Else Does 
  This is a hard thing for me to admit, but I don't really like The Beatles. A lot of people I know think that I'm crazy for not being into them, but their music just isn't something that "tickles my fancy". However, I'm not going to go listen to them because other people think I should. 
  There will always be some artists and songs that I'm just not into. That's why there are so many different kinds of music. Music is a roller coaster ride of emotions that touches each individual person in a different way. That's why it's as incredible as it is. So, it's okay that I don't like The Beatles, just like it's okay if you don't like Taylor Swift or Stevie Wonder. 
  (Author's Note: Actually, it's definitely not okay if you don't like Stevie Wonder. He's THE man. If you don't like him.......there's no hope for you.) 

  2.) Just Because It's Old, Doesn't Mean It's Boring or Lame
  When I was 9 years old, I had a 1970's themed birthday party. Let me tell you, it was the coolest party I've ever had. My friends and I dressed up in clothes based on the 70's, we made mood rings and said things like 'Groovy' and 'Peace out, dude'. 
  In the weeks coming up to my birthday, my Mom and I searched all over YouTube, creating a 70's music playlist. My two favorite songs that we found were 'Workin' at the Carwash' and 'You're So Vain'. That birthday party changed everything for me. 
  Oldies music is, and always will be, the most incredible music in the world, in my opinion. I will always prefer music from the 60's-80's more than any other kind of music. There will never be a boyband as good as The Osmond Brothers were. There will never be a duo that is as mind blowing as Hall and Oates. Richard Marx will always, always, always, be the best singer/songwriter in the world. 
  Don't believe me? 
  Go listen for yourself. 

  3.) Not Everyone Is A Music Geek 
  Not everyone loves music in the way that some of us do. While that seems like a crime, it's true. Some people just aren't music people, just like some people aren't big fans of anchovies on their pizza. It's as simple as that, and at some point, we're all going to have to accept that. 

  4.) Sometimes You Are Going to Mess Up
  In music, it's very easy to make a mistake. Maybe you accidentally hit the wrong piano key at your Winter recital, or maybe you went sharp when you were trying to hit the high note during your school performance of 'Phantom of the Opera'. Both of those things are okay. You will live. Life goes on. 
  We all make mistakes at some point in our lives. Being musical has been really beneficial for me when it comes to this, because I know that it's okay to make mistakes. You should work as hard as you can at everything that you do, and if you do mess up, it's okay to feel bad about that. But you still have to continue on. Forgive yourself, work harder next time, and continue. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Mozart messed up occasionally as well. 
  5.) Music Is For Everyone 
  This is the most important thing that being in a musical family has taught me. Music is for everyone. Old people, young people, boys, girls, etc. Everyone needs music. 
  So, don't ever knock someone down because of their love for music. Don't ever tell them that their musical taste is stupid or lame. Let them find their identity in music. It will make the bad days better and the good days even more enjoyable.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Dear Future Husband

 Dear Future Husband,

 I'm not sure if you're even an actually exist. For all I know, I could die next week and never get married. I could become a nun. I could live my entire life as a strong, independent single woman. I may never find "The One". But I still feel like I should write this, because it's important for me to remind myself of all the amazing possibilities that my future holds. One of those possibilities is you. 

 I want you to know that I pray for you every single night. I pray that you are happy and healthy. I pray that you never have to experience real heartbreak and that you're really optimistic, because I'm going to need optimism to balance out my sometimes pessimistic view on life. I pray that you are living a life full of purpose and chastity, and that you're already thinking of me, just like I'm thinking of you.  

 I am also saving myself for you. I'm trying to live a modest and chaste life, and constantly trying to better myself. I want you to feel like our future kids have a good mother to look up to, so I always try to better my relationship with God and the people around me, and I try really hard to be a pleasant, happy person. 

 It's hard to try to be a good person, you know? Sometimes people call me a prude because I don't wear bikinis in the summer and because I've never had a boyfriend, even though I'm already 16. Sometimes people think I'm uptight and a goody two-shoes because I try to follow the rules and do what's right all the time. People make fun of me sometimes and act as if I'm really just a naive homeschooled kid who has no idea how boring and old fashioned modesty is. To be honest, all of that hurts sometimes. However, I know that all of it's worth it and that you'll love me in all of my prudish, naive glory. 

 I know that we're going to fight and that our life together won't be all peaches and cream. I'm really stubborn, and I like being right, which sometimes even annoys me, so I'm fairly positive that it will get under your skin also. I'm also really loud, and I just want to apologize in advance for all of the times that I'm going to break out into song without warning, or the times that I'm going to tease you way too much and totally kill a joke because I overuse it. I'm going to go shopping for clothes and then come back and fret over the fact that I spent money over something as trivial as a pair of boots for the winter or a cute sweater. I'm going to forget to tell you I love you sometimes, because I'm bad at remembering that other people need to hear that just as much as I need to hear it. I'm going to get mad at you for really small, stupid things, and I'm going to say things I don't mean every once in a while. I'm sorry, and I'm so undeserving of your incredible love. 

 I know that you aren't perfect. Heaven knows, I'm not perfect either. Maybe by us being imperfect together, we'll be able to get closer to perfect than when we were on our own. I'm not sure if that made any sense. Sorry. I do that sometimes. But you love me for it, so I know you'll forgive me for not making sense all of the time. Thanks for that, by the way. 

 Like I said, I'm not sure when/how/if I'll find you, but I hope that this "letter" makes you happy. I know that I get happy whenever I think of you, even though I don't know what you look like or sound like or dream of. Sometimes when I see cute couples at the grocery store, my author brain starts making up tons of little stories about you and how we will meet, what we'll name our future kids, whether or not your mom will like me, etc. I guess I just wanted to let you know that I already think of you, and I already love you. 

 So, until we meet, remember...

   I love you.
     Your Future Wife     

Note from the Author: I'm going to start up this blog again! I'm not sure if I'll keep up a blogging schedule, but I do want to work on this over the summer. Thanks for reading and checking this out!